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 have an especially interested in projects that have a challenging idea.

 I'm ROVIDA Metwally; I have multiple experiences in the architecture field because I worked for different associations.
I learned through this time more about  Working Drawing, facade design, interior design And landscape design. 

We used different programmes to applying what we need and I had the courage to learn more at a limited time.

Otherwise, I like to learn about all the news at architecture, For that, I have a lot of care to join the seminars or the summer school or any research lap I could learn from them. 

at 2020 STUDIO 34 this opportunity open a new prospect for me when I learned about computing design for the first time and also we work on a project has the vision for the new architecture in the future had the ability to deal with pandemic as what we faced with covied-19.

at 2021 ISAR, I learned a lot about archaeology and how we could take care of the old city and applying that to Castelvecchio Calvisio at Rome and designed a future vision to reuse this city and bring it to life again and it was a really exciting experience.

 In 2021 too I joined Reparametrize it's a group of architecture around the world who have the vision to make it a better place and make the knowledge reach for everyone need it for free 
also, it's a research lap belong to eng Ahmed Hassab
I work as a content creator for reparametrize. 

I would like to share with you that listening to CLASSICAL MUSIC is one of the best of my hobbies and I like to read in the different fields (history, art, drama, philosophy,..)  finally I hope to be a pianist.


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AutoCAD - Advanced

3D MAX - Advanced

Revit  - Advanced

Rhino&Grasshopper - Proficient

Adobe - Proficient

English - Advanced

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