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About College OF LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE​ The College of Law and Political Science is one of the prestigious colleges at the University of San Francisco that specializes in awarding specialized degrees in the study of law and political science. It is the real preparation and a very important step for every young man and student who wishes to join the diplomatic corps, parliamentary and legal life, the judiciary system, and the humanities and political sciences. Here, on that page, we learn about: What is the College of Law and Political Science? Features of the study of law and political science Objectives of studying law and political science Requirements for studying law and political science Departments of the College of Law and Political Science The average salary of an engineer Application and study requirements What is the College of Law and Political Science? Enrollment and study in the College of Law and Political Science is not suitable for everyone. Not everyone can achieve their goals and ambitions in that college. It is very important to be appropriately aware of the nature of that study and the nature of work after graduation. As for the advantages of studying at that university, they are: The duration of study depends on the university and the department, but it does not exceed 4 years. It is the college that succeeded in making the most influential public and political figures in the world. Fields of work and study are global and after graduation you can work anywhere on earth and in any country. There are hundreds of universities around the world that support the same curricula and courses, and you can continue your studies after graduation. After graduation, all outstanding and distinguished students are allowed to work in the field of teaching in any of the local, regional and international universities. Studying and graduating from one of the faculties of law and political science allows you to work in politics and the judiciary and graduate in the exact course you want. Objectives of studying law and political science Before applying and joining the College of Law and Political Science, you must know your goals first, what is the opportunity that you want to seize and seek, and what are the alternative opportunities as well. You cannot enroll in the College of Law and Political Science without clear goals and understanding.

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